Project management support for a new business consulting firm
- Issues
- Lack of manager roles for project delivery
- Solution
Assigned a manager from a strategy firm with a strong background
in new business formulation
- Structure and budget
One person / 50% utilization (one project manager)
1.5 million yen per month
Support for business manager in a major IT company
- Issues
Lack of knowledge and resources to promote new business in the
payment area
- Direction of solution
Assigned a freelance consultant who is well-informed in the
payment area and can lead the project independently
- Structure and budget
1 consultant / 50% utilization
4.8 million yen / 3 months
Support for promotion of sustainability management at a major
materials manufacturer
- Issues
Lack of resources to research and organize in the area of
sustainability. Need to quickly conduct the process of research
and analysis that cannot be handled by an individual.
- Direction of solution
- Formed a team to accompany and support the client team.
- Structure and budget
3 person team (1 project manager and 2 consultants)
13 million yen/3 months